Tour de France 2023
The start in Euskadi of the Tour de France

Grand Départ Pays Basque 2023

Accessibility in

The Basque Government is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, on accessibility of public sector websites and applications for mobile devices (abre en nueva ventana). To guarantee this universal access to information, the accessibility requirements of the UNE-EN 301549:2019 Standard (PDF) (opens in new window) are applied in the development and maintenance of this website.

This accessibility statement applies to the website

Compliance statuts

This website is partially compliant with RD 1112/2018 due to the exceptions and non-compliance of the aspects listed below.

Non-accessible content

The content below is not accessible due to the following:

  1. Lack of conformity with RD 1112/2018
    • There is a non-textual content without a textual alternative [Requirement, Non-textual Content (Conditional)].
    • There are pre-recorded multimedia elements, audio or video only, with no alternative [Requirement Audio only and video only (Recorded) (Conditional)].
    • Punctual errors in structuring content with semantic HTML 5 tags or WAI-ARIA roles, grouping, grouping and description of the elements of the form, lack of headings, inadequate header hierarchy, identification or improper use of tables [Requirement Information and relationships (conditional)].
    • Sometimes only color is used to transmit information [Requirement Use of color (conditional)].
    • Horizontal scroll may appear or lose information when readjusting screen size [requirement readjustment of text (conditional)].
    • Poor contrast in the elements of the interface or graphic objects [Requirement Non-textual contrast (conditional).
    • There are contents that do not conform to the interval specifications of the criterion [Requirement Text interval (conditional).
    • There are interactive elements with self-production that cannot rest, stop, or hide [condition Stop, stop, hide (conditional)].
    • Presence of blocks of content with excessive reading time, without mechanism to avoid them [requirement Avoid (conditional) blocks].
    • Incorrect description of some of the titles on the web pages [Requirement Page Title (conditional)].
    • The keyboard navigation order does not correspond to visual navigation [Requirement Focus Order (Conditional)].
    • Existence of links without specific description indicating their intention and functionality [Requirement Purpose of links (context) (conditional).
    • Sometimes the general language of the page is not properly expressed [requirement The language of the page (conditional)).
    • There is content in a language other than the page, which is not properly specified, and there are non-visible elements that are not translated by changing the language [Profile The language of the parties (conditional).
    • Navigation on one content does not correspond to the rest of the content [Requirement Coherent navigation (conditional).
    • The function of some elements is not properly expressed [Requirement Consistent identification (conditional).
    • Sometimes error messages are not indicated in the form fields [Requirement Identification of errors (conditional).
    • Errors in the use of HTML and WAI-ARIA 1.1 labels and attributes [ Processing (conditional) condition].
    • Sometimes the name and function may not be specified by software [requirement name, function, value (conditional)].
    • There may be office files in PDF or other formats that do not meet accessibility requirements.
  2. Disproportionate loading
    • Not applicable.
  3. The content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation
    • There may be office files in PDF or other formats published before 20 September 2018 that do not fully comply with all accessibility requirements. However, every effort has been made to ensure that most of them do.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

  • This statement was prepared on 10/11/2023.
  • The method of preparation of the declaration was the evaluation carried out by a third party.
  • Final review of the declaration: 10/11/2023.

Comments and contact details

Communications on accessibility requirements

You can make communications on accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a of RD 1112/2018) such as:

  • Report any possible non-compliance by this website.
  • Transmit other difficulties in accessing the content.
  • Formulate any other query or suggestion for improvement relating to the accessibility of the website..

Through the following contact form or by calling 012.

Requests for accessible information and complaints

You can make complaints regarding compliance with the requirements of this royal decree and request information regarding content that is excluded from the scope of application of this royal decree as established in article 3, section 4, or exempt from compliance with the accessibility requirements because it imposes a disproportionate burden.

Access to accessible information requests and complaints

Communications, complaints and requests for information will be received and processed by the Public Innovation Support Unit.

Application procedure

If, once a request for accessible information or complaint has been made, any of the following situations arise:

  • The request or complaint has been rejected.
  • There is disagreement with the decision adopted.
  • The response does not meet the requirements set out in Article 12.5.
  • The period of twenty working days has elapsed without a reply having been received.

You may submit a complaint through the accessible information request complaints and claims form

Complaints will be received and processed by the Directorate for Citizen Services and Innovation and Improvement of the Administration.

Optional content

This website applies the requirements of the UNE-EN 301549:2019 Standard (PDF) (abre en nueva ventana) considering the exceptions of RD 1112/2018.

The aim of the observatory is to determine the degree of accessibility of a set of websites in the portal network..

The technical methodology applied in the study is based on carrying out a massive automatic analysis. It has been developed on the basis of the requirements established by the WCAG 2.0 standard of the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) for a double A (AA) level of conformity.

The results of the Observatories carried out to date are presented below:

Accessibility observatory reports

Summary data 2019

  • The analysis has been carried out within the framework of the Web Accessibility Observatory promoted by the General Secretariat for Digital Administration (General State Administration).
  • The data collected corresponds to the analysis and evaluation carried out during the month of November 2019.
  • Websites belonging to 7 representative segments or topics have been analysed: main portal of the Basque Government, e-Office, official gazette, employment, education, health and taxes.
  • The sample is carried out automatically by means of a random process in which a total of 32 pages corresponding to different levels in the navigation structure of the portal are selected (a crawl of depth 4 and breadth 8 is carried out).

Reports 2019

Summary data 2018

  • The analysis has been carried out within the framework of the Web Accessibility Observatory promoted by the General Secretariat for Digital Administration (General State Administration).
  • The data collected corresponds to the analysis and evaluation carried out during the month of November 2018.
  • Websites belonging to 7 representative segments or topics have been analysed: main portal of the Basque Government, e-Office, official gazette, employment, education, health and taxes.
  • The sample is carried out automatically by means of a random process in which a total of 32 pages corresponding to different levels in the navigation structure of the portal are selected (a crawl of depth 4 and breadth 8 is carried out).

Reports 2018

Summary data 2011

  • The analysis has been carried out using the TAW Observer tool of CTIC Centro Tecnológico (abre en nueva ventana)
  • Both the selection of the sample and its subsequent study were carried out during the month of December 2011.
  • A total of 13,970 documents were analysed from the 51 websites analysed (39 websites belonging to the network of portals).
  • The sample size of each website was 300 pages (maximum) and the depth of the selection was 10 levels.

Reports 2011

Findings 2011

The following table includes detailed information about the accessibility rating obtained (value from 0 to 1) for each of the websites analysed, and they are shown in order from the highest to the lowest rating:

Evaluation of accessibility by portal. 2009-2011
Position Website Pages analysed 2011 rating 2009 rating
1 SPRI 300 0,92 0,62
2 Etxebide 239 0,90 0,43
3 300 0,88 0,59
4 Transparencia 23 0,87 not available
5 Open Data 300 0,86 not available
6 Justicia y Administración Pública 300 0,86 0,53
7 Empleo y Asuntos Sociales 300 0,86 0,58
8 Agricultura y Pesca 300 0,85 0,58
9 Sanidad 300 0,85 0,56
10 Lehendakaria 300 0,85 0,56
11 Agencia vasca de Protección de datos 300 0,85 0,60
12 Cultura 300 0,83 0,57
13 Educación 300 0,83 0,57
14 HABE 176 0,83 0,59
15 Agencia Vasca del Agua 300 0,82 0,57
16 Medioambiente y Ordenacion del Territorio 300 0,81 0,49
17 Interior 300 0,81 0,57
18 Berdingune 129 0,81 0,54
19 IVAP 300 0,81 0,57
20 Gobierno Vasco 300 0,81 0,58
21 Elankidetza 97 0,81 not available
22 Osakidetza 300 0,81 0,55
23 Gazteaukera 300 0,81 0,52
24 Bakegune 220 0,80 not available
25 Vivienda, Obras Públicas y Transportes 300 0,80 0,58
26 Lehendakaritza 300 0,80 0,58
27 Irekia 300 0,80 not available
28 Contratación Pública 300 0,80 0,37
29 Economía y Hacienda 300 0,77 0,55
30 Emakunde 300 0,77 0,52
31 Euskara 300 0,77 0,57
32 Innovación y Sociedad de la Información 300 0,77 0,54
33 Euskotren 300 0,76 not available
34 VISESA 300 0,76 not available
35 Eustat 300 0,76 0,58
36 ETS 115 0,74 0,43
37 Izenpe 157 0,74 0,57
38 Sopelana 300 0,73 0,57
39 Meteorología 300 0,73 0,56
40 EVE 300 0,72 0,53
41 Industria 300 0,72 0,54
42 Osalan 300 0,72 0,31
43 Turismo 300 0,72 0,54
44 Academia Vasca de Policía y Emergencias 214 0,71 not available
45 Ihobe 300 0,68 0,27
46 Comisión Jurídica Asesora de Euskadi 300 0,65 not available
47 GeoEuskadi 300 0,64 0,46
48 Trafikoa 300 0,63 0,45
49 Itelazpi 300 0,56 0,66
50 Ikastea 300 0,53 not available
51 Lanbide 300 0,47 0,40

None of the websites analysed obtained the highest possible score (value 1), with the highest score being obtained by the SPRI website, followed by those of Etxebide and (scores of 0.92, 0.90 and 0.88 respectively). On the other hand, the lowest scores were obtained by the websites of and Ikastea, with 0.47 and 0.53 respectively.

Mean, standard deviation and range of scores
Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum Range
0,77 0,09 0,47 0,92 0,45

The average accessibility rating obtained was 0.77, with a standard deviation of 0.09. These values indicate a low variability in the rating of the portals, suggesting that they present few barriers to accessing content. This is reinforced by the percentiles. The 50th percentile (the median) corresponds to a rating of 0.80, which means that half of the portals scored at or above this value and that therefore at least half of the portals have active and effective measures to avoid accessibility barriers.

Total sites per rating interval
less than 0,6 between 0,6 y 0,8 equal to or greater than 0,8
3 (6%) 20 (39%) 28 (55%)

Only 3 portals out of the 51 portals analysed (6%) are below the value considered as the threshold for stating that certain measures are taken to avoid accessibility barriers (value 0.6). Although for the rest of the portals it can be seen that there are measures aimed at guaranteeing a minimum level of accessibility, there is a group of 20 portals (corresponding to 39%) in the 0.6 to 0.8 assessment range that should review and adjust the existing measures. The rest of the portals, which make up the maximum rating range (equal to or higher than 0.8) and are made up of 28 portals (55%), should be reviewed with the intention of solving the specific problems they present.

Individual reports 2011

Basque Government Departments and thematic portals

Other Basque Government agencies

Reports 2009

Our concern is that information should reach as many people as possible. If while browsing the web pages you have any problems accessing the contents, or if you would like to make any suggestions that could help us to improve web accessibility, we invite you to use the queries and suggestions mailbox .

Note: it will be of great help to us if you indicate on the contact form exactly the page (web address) on which you have encountered an incident.

Thank you for your cooperation.